Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services, located in Houser Hall, is committed to ensuring students with disabilities receive reasonable academic accommodations and have the opportunity to participate equally in the academic environment. We strongly encourage readers to visit the ODS website for more specific information on how to register with ODS as well as the different services ODS provides.

Qualifying Conditions

  • Cognitive disabilities (ADHD, learning disorders, traumatic brain injury)
  • Psychiatric disabilities (anxiety, depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder)
  • Medical disabilities (any chronic condition)
  • Hearing and vision loss
  • Mobility limitation

Accommodations cannot be applied retroactively (if extra absences are granted, they cannot cover classes missed prior to being registered with ODS). Documentation must be recent – generally diagnoses must be from age 13 or older; psychiatric disabilities must be diagnosed within the last five years.

Temporary Impairment

Disability Services may offer limited services to students with temporary impairments or injuries with an expected duration of less than one semester. If the duration of your impairment is expected to be short-term (less than one semester), please attempt to work out obtaining appropriate classroom considerations with your instructors.