For Faculty and Staff

As faculty and staff members of The University of Alabama, we are all responsible for supporting the safety and well-being of UA students. Find out how you can help students in times of need by reading through these pages and familiarizing yourself with the resources available for students.


For emergencies, or if a student is expressing thoughts of harming self or others, please contact UAPD at 348-5454.

To report non-emergency situations, please fill out the Student of Concern report or contact Student Care and Well-Being during normal business hours or visit the 911 Guide to determine the most appropriate campus contact.

Behavior Intervention Team

The primary purpose of the Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is to promote the safety and well-being of the UA community. The BIT utilizes standardized procedures and best practices in an effort to provide early intervention and support in an attempt to prevent a behavioral concern regarding a student from rising to a dangerous situation. The primary role of the team is to provide support and resources to students and to nominally address threat, using current research and data driven measures of risk.

Members of the BIT will include a representative from the office of the Dean of Students, representation from the Counseling Center, the Office of Student Conduct, Housing and Residential Communities, Academic Affairs, Human Resources, the Title IX Office, the Office of Threat Assessment, the Office of Counsel, and the University Police.

To report alarming or disturbing behaviors, fill out the Student of Concern report or call UAPD (205-348-5454) in emergencies.